How We Charge

Our standard fee schedule and its brackets:

  • 1.00% on the first $1,000,000 ($0 - $1,000,000)

  • 0.75% on the next $2,000,000 ($1,000,001 - $3,000,000)

  • 0.50% on the next $2,000,000 (3,000,001 - $5,000,000)

  • 0.35% on the assets above $5,000,000

The fees are based on an annual rate, but are taken in smaller increments (i.e. an account charged 1.00% annually has its fees taken out at 0.25% every quarter of the year or 0.083% monthly). The fee Spyglass charges can vary based on multiple factors. The figures shown above are indicative of our baseline rates. What will ultimately be charged will be clearly and openly disclosed during multiple points of the onboarding process.

The account will be charged depending on the size and type of account. For example, our workplace retirement plans are typically charged quarterly.

There are no upfront costs or fees from Spyglass associated with opening a new account or rolling-over a previous account. Spyglass’s asset management fee is prorated based on the day in which deposits are made into the account. For example, if an account that’s charged quarterly receives a deposit on July 31st, the account will only be charged for the 61 days leading up to when 3rd quarter fees are taken at the end of September. This amounts to about 0.167% or roughly two-thirds of our base rate quarterly fee.

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